BQI Business Consulting & Marketing

(Agency Division)

In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, BQI Consulting stands out as a trailblazer in integrating cutting-edge AI technologies with proven digital marketing strategies. Specializing in SEO optimization, BQI Consulting harnesses the power of artificial intelligence to ensure that its clients not only keep up with but also stay ahead of the constantly shifting trends in digital marketing. Their approach is both innovative and data-driven, focusing on delivering measurable results and maximizing online visibility for businesses in a variety of sectors. By staying at the forefront of Content Creation and AI applications, BQI Consulting offers its clients a competitive edge in an increasingly digital world.

Spartan-preneur Mindset Course

(Education Division)

Join Spartan-preneur Mindset, where you’ll unlock your inner resilience and conquer the entrepreneurial world with unwavering determination and unparalleled mentorship

BQI Consulting

Marketing, Consulting, Education


Take Your Business To The Next Level



We offer personalized online coaching to help individuals achieve their goals and unlock their full potential.


Business Consultation

Our business consultation service provides expert guidance and strategies to optimize your company’s performance and drive sustainable growth.


Online Community

Our online coaching services include access to a vibrant Discord community of members dedicated to mutual growth and support, fostering a dynamic environment for personal development.


1 on 1 Mentorship

Our one-on-one mentorship service provides clients with tailored, in-depth guidance and expertise to achieve their individual goals and professional growth.


Live Online Classrooms

Through live online classrooms, our consulting service offers interactive and engaging sessions that empower clients with practical knowledge and actionable insights to elevate their business success.


Blueprints & E-books

Our consulting service offers self-paced learning blueprints and downloadable e-books, empowering clients to access valuable knowledge and resources at their own convenience for enhanced personal and professional development.